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at H2T Skin and Laser Center Franklin and Foxboro Specials & Packages

Your Skin Will Thank You

RF Microneedling + Advanced Plasma Therapy

Combine one Venus Viva RF Microneedling treatment with one AgeJet Advanced Plasma Therapy treatment to resurface your skin to address fine lines and wrinkles, tighten skin and create a more youthful appearance!

RF Microneedling skin resurfacing treatments work by using tiny pins to safely deliver heat (via NanoFractional Radio Frequency) through the surface of the skin to repair signs of skin damage that are visible on the surface, such as scars from acne or injury, deep wrinkles, enlarged pores, uneven skin texture and pigmentation.

Advanced Plasma Therapy resurfaces the full surface of the skin treating common concerns such as Uneven pigmentation, age spots, fine lines, deep wrinkles, acne scars, laxity and loose eyelid skin. Surface improvements will appear quickly as deep dermal collagen remodeling continues for months to years.

Results are consistent and dramatic leaving you with a natural more refreshed appearance.

FOR $2495

RF Microneedling + Exosomes

Combine three Venus Viva RF Microneedling treatments with Exosomes to repair signs of skin damage that are visible on the surface, such as scars from acne or injury, deep wrinkles, enlarged pores, uneven skin texture, and pigmentation.

RF Microneedling skin resurfacing treatments work by using tiny pins to safely deliver heat (via NanoFractional Radio Frequency) through the surface of the skin.

This creates very small micro-dermal wounds, which your body naturally heals on its own. The wounds are so small, the treatment is much more comfortable than traditional CO2 lasers, while still producing incredibly visible results.

Collagen Induction Therapy + Accelerated Serum or Exosomes

Combine three Collagen Induction Therapy treatments (CIT) to promote improvement in the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, large pores, sun damage, and scars by stimulating existing collagen and elastin. Finish off treatment with Exosomes to help enhance results and minimize downtown.

Skin rejuvenation results are effective with repeat treatments spaced 4-6 weeks apart.

Venus BlissMax Gym Membership

Slim, Smooth and Strong: An advanced three-in-one solution to slim, tone and tighten your way to the body of your dreams! Do you need to fit into a wedding dress? Do you want to feel more confident in a bathing suit and/or clothes? Or maybe you really want to tone and strengthen your muscles? Well, we can help you! When you treat with the Venus BlissMAX, you can receive fat reduction, cellulite reduction, skin tightening, and muscle conditioning all from the same machine.

at $499/mo for min of 6 months to choose 2 out of 3 different contouring treatments (muscle toning, fat reduction, skin tightening/cellulite reduction) in one session per month.

AT $499/mo

Full Facial Regenerative Medicine

Regenerative medicine at H2T Skin and Laser Center

Sculptra Package:

Sculptra is a biostimulator that tells your body to grow back lost collagen. It is now FDA approved for producing natural collagen and maintains improved smoothness, firmness, and glow up for up to 2 years! Results last up to 2+ years.

RF Microneedling + Advanced Plasma Therapy + Sculptra Package

Combine one session of RF Microneedling with Advanced Plasma Therapy (Eyes and Face) and Sculptra for the ultimate facial rejuvenation. Produce collagen, improve smoothness and firmness, treat fine lines and wrinkles.

Multiple financing options available including Care Credit and PatientFi.

Vitamin D Shots

As an H2T A-lister, make sure to get on our D-list now! According to a 2023 systemic review of 8 million people, 78% of North Americans are Vitamin D deficient! In New England, it is likely even higher. The problems with oral supplements are that 1. we’re not taking enough and 2. it doesn’t absorb well. Low vitamin D is associated with poor sleep, exhaustion, and fatigue, bone weakness, muscle pain/weakness/spasms, depression, moodiness, hair loss, dark eye circles, pale skin, tingling in the hands and feet, and lower immunity.

once weekly over 6 weeks for $300 followed by monthly maintenance injections for $50/month.